.. _arch_overview_http_dynamic_forward_proxy:

HTTP dynamic forward proxy

.. attention::

  HTTP dynamic forward proxy support should be considered alpha and not production ready.

Through the combination of both an :ref:`HTTP filter <config_http_filters_dynamic_forward_proxy>` and
:ref:`custom cluster <envoy_api_msg_config.cluster.dynamic_forward_proxy.v2alpha.ClusterConfig>`,
Envoy supports HTTP dynamic forward proxy. This means that Envoy can perform the role of an HTTP
proxy without prior knowledge of all configured DNS addresses, while still retaining the vast
majority of Envoy's benefits including asynchronous DNS resolution. The implementation works as

* The dynamic forward proxy HTTP filter is used to pause requests if the target DNS host is not
  already in cache.
* Envoy will begin asynchronously resolving the DNS address, unblocking any requests waiting on
  the response when the resolution completes.
* Any future requests will not be blocked as the DNS address is already in cache. The resolution
  process works similarly to the :ref:`logical DNS
  <arch_overview_service_discovery_types_logical_dns>` service discovery type with a single target
  address being remembered at any given time.
* All known hosts are stored in the dynamic forward proxy cluster such that they can be displayed
  in :ref:`admin output <operations_admin_interface>`.
* A special load balancer will select the right host to use based on the HTTP host/authority header
  during forwarding.
* Hosts that have not been used for a period of time are subject to a TTL that will purge them.
* When the upstream cluster has been configured with a TLS context, Envoy will automatically perform
  SAN verification for the resolved host name as well as specify the host name via SNI.

The above implementation details mean that at steady state Envoy can forward a large volume of
HTTP proxy traffic while all DNS resolution happens asynchronously in the background. Additionally,
all other Envoy filters and extensions can be used in conjunction with dynamic forward proxy support
including authentication, RBAC, rate limiting, etc.

For further configuration information see the :ref:`HTTP filter configuration documentation

Memory usage details

Memory usage detail's for Envoy's dynamic forward proxy support are as follows:

* Each resolved host/port pair uses a fixed amount of memory global to the server and shared
  amongst all workers.
* Address changes are performed inline using read/write locks and require no host reallocations.
* Hosts removed via TTL are purged once all active connections stop referring to them and all used
  memory is regained.
* The :ref:`max_hosts
  <envoy_api_field_config.common.dynamic_forward_proxy.v2alpha.DnsCacheConfig.max_hosts>` field can
  be used to limit the number of hosts that the DNS cache will store at any given time.
* The cluster's :ref:`max_pending_requests
  <envoy_api_field_cluster.CircuitBreakers.Thresholds.max_pending_requests>` circuit breaker can
  be used to limit the number of requests that are pending waiting for the DNS cache to load
  a host.
* Long lived upstream connections can have the underlying logical host expire via TTL while the
  connection is still open. Upstream requests and connections are still bound by other cluster
  circuit breakers such as :ref:`max_requests
  <envoy_api_field_cluster.CircuitBreakers.Thresholds.max_requests>`. The current assumption is that
  host data shared between connections uses a marginal amount of memory compared to the connections
  and requests themselves, making it not worth controlling independently.