.. _best_practices_edge: Configuring Envoy as an edge proxy ================================== Envoy is a production-ready edge proxy, however, the default settings are tailored for the service mesh use case, and some values need to be adjusted when using Envoy as an edge proxy. TCP proxies should configure: * restrict access to the admin endpoint, * :ref:`overload_manager <config_overload_manager>`, * :ref:`listener buffer limits <envoy_api_field_Listener.per_connection_buffer_limit_bytes>` to 32 KiB, * :ref:`cluster buffer limits <envoy_api_field_Cluster.per_connection_buffer_limit_bytes>` to 32 KiB. HTTP proxies should additionally configure: * :ref:`use_remote_address <envoy_api_field_config.filter.network.http_connection_manager.v2.HttpConnectionManager.use_remote_address>` to true (to avoid consuming HTTP headers from external clients, see :ref:`HTTP header sanitizing <config_http_conn_man_header_sanitizing>` for details), * :ref:`connection and stream timeouts <faq_configuration_timeouts>`, * :ref:`HTTP/2 maximum concurrent streams limit <envoy_api_field_core.Http2ProtocolOptions.max_concurrent_streams>` to 100, * :ref:`HTTP/2 initial stream window size limit <envoy_api_field_core.Http2ProtocolOptions.initial_stream_window_size>` to 64 KiB, * :ref:`HTTP/2 initial connection window size limit <envoy_api_field_core.Http2ProtocolOptions.initial_connection_window_size>` to 1 MiB. * :ref:`headers_with_underscores_action setting <envoy_api_field_core.HttpProtocolOptions.headers_with_underscores_action>` to REJECT_REQUEST, to protect upstream services that treat '_' and '-' as interchangeable. * :ref:`Listener connection limits. <config_listeners_runtime>` * :ref:`Global downstream connection limits <config_overload_manager>`. The following is a YAML example of the above recommendation. .. code-block:: yaml overload_manager: refresh_interval: 0.25s resource_monitors: - name: "envoy.resource_monitors.fixed_heap" typed_config: "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.resource_monitor.fixed_heap.v2alpha.FixedHeapConfig # TODO: Tune for your system. max_heap_size_bytes: 2147483648 # 2 GiB actions: - name: "envoy.overload_actions.shrink_heap" triggers: - name: "envoy.resource_monitors.fixed_heap" threshold: value: 0.95 - name: "envoy.overload_actions.stop_accepting_requests" triggers: - name: "envoy.resource_monitors.fixed_heap" threshold: value: 0.98 admin: access_log_path: "/var/log/envoy_admin.log" address: socket_address: address: port_value: 9090 static_resources: listeners: - address: socket_address: address: port_value: 443 listener_filters: - name: "envoy.filters.listener.tls_inspector" typed_config: {} per_connection_buffer_limit_bytes: 32768 # 32 KiB filter_chains: - filter_chain_match: server_names: ["example.com", "www.example.com"] tls_context: common_tls_context: tls_certificates: - certificate_chain: { filename: "example_com_cert.pem" } private_key: { filename: "example_com_key.pem" } # Uncomment if Envoy is behind a load balancer that exposes client IP address using the PROXY protocol. # use_proxy_proto: true filters: - name: envoy.filters.network.http_connection_manager typed_config: "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.config.filter.network.http_connection_manager.v2.HttpConnectionManager stat_prefix: ingress_http use_remote_address: true common_http_protocol_options: idle_timeout: 3600s # 1 hour headers_with_underscores_action: REJECT_REQUEST http2_protocol_options: max_concurrent_streams: 100 initial_stream_window_size: 65536 # 64 KiB initial_connection_window_size: 1048576 # 1 MiB stream_idle_timeout: 300s # 5 mins, must be disabled for long-lived and streaming requests request_timeout: 300s # 5 mins, must be disabled for long-lived and streaming requests route_config: virtual_hosts: - name: default domains: "*" routes: - match: { prefix: "/" } route: cluster: service_foo idle_timeout: 15s # must be disabled for long-lived and streaming requests clusters: name: service_foo connect_timeout: 15s per_connection_buffer_limit_bytes: 32768 # 32 KiB hosts: socket_address: address: port_value: 8080 http2_protocol_options: initial_stream_window_size: 65536 # 64 KiB initial_connection_window_size: 1048576 # 1 MiB layered_runtime: layers: - name: static_layer_0 static_layer: envoy: resource_limits: listener: example_listener_name: connection_limit: 10000 overload: global_downstream_max_connections: 50000