
The Envoy xDS APIs follow a well defined :repo:`versioning scheme <api/>`. Envoy
supports :ref:`multiple major versions <api_supported_versions>` at any point in time. The examples
in this section are taken from the v2 xDS API.

Envoy has API versions for both the xDS transport, i.e. the wire protocol for moving resources
between a management server and Envoy, and for resources. These are known as the transport and
resource API version respectively.

The transport and resource version may be mixed. For example, v3 resources may be transferred over
the v2 transport protocol. In addition, an Envoy may consume mixed resource versions for distinct
resource types. For example, :ref:`v3 Clusters <envoy_v3_api_msg_config.cluster.v3.Cluster>` may be
used alongside :ref:`v2 Listeners <envoy_api_msg_Listener>`.

Both the transport and resource API versions follow the API versioning support and deprecation
:repo:`policy <api/>`.

.. note::

    Envoy will internally operate at the latest xDS resource version and all supported versioned
    resources will be transparently upgrading to this latest version on configuration ingestion. For
    example, v2 and v3 resources, delivered over either a v2 or v3 transport, or any mix thereof,
    will be internally converted into v3 resources.