1.15.1 (September 29, 2020)

* http: fixed CVE-2020-25017. Previously header matching did not match on all headers for non-inline
  headers. This patch changes the default behavior to always logically match on all headers.
  Multiple individual headers will be logically concatenated with ',' similar to what is done with
  inline headers. This makes the behavior effectively consistent. This behavior can be temporary
  reverted by setting the runtime value `envoy.reloadable_features.header_match_on_all_headers` to

  Targeted fixes have been additionally performed on the following extensions which make them
  consider all duplicate headers by default as a comma concatenated list:

    1. Any extension using CEL matching on headers.
    2. The header to metadata filter.
    3. The JWT filter.
    4. The Lua filter.

  Like primary header matching used in routing, RBAC, etc. this behavior can be disabled by setting
  the runtime value `envoy.reloadable_features.header_match_on_all_headers` to false.
* http: the setCopy() header map API previously only set the first header in the case of duplicate
  non-inline headers. setCopy() now behaves similarly to the other set*() APIs and replaces all found
  headers with a single value. This may have had security implications in the extauth filter which
  uses this API. This behavior can be disabled by setting the runtime value
  `envoy.reloadable_features.http_set_copy_replace_all_headers` to false.