Why are the Envoy xDS APIs versioned? What is the benefit?

Envoy is a platform and needs to allow its APIs to grow and evolve to encompass new features,
improve ergonomics and address new use cases. At the same time, we need a disciplined approach to
turning down stale functionality and removing APIs and their supporting code that are no longer
maintained. If we don't do this, we lose the ability in the long term to provide a reliable,
maintainable, scalable code base and set of APIs for our users.

We had previously put in place policies around :repo:`breaking changes
<CONTRIBUTING.md#breaking-change-policy>` across releases, the :repo:`API versioning policy
<api/API_VERSIONING.md>` takes this a step further, articulating a guaranteed multi-year support
window for APIs that provides control plane authors a predictable clock when considering support
for a range of Envoy versions.

For the v3 xDS APIs, a brief list of the key improvements that were made with a clean break from v2:

* Packages organization was improved to reflect a more logical grouping of related APIs:

  - The legacy ``envoy.api.v2`` tree was eliminated, with protos moved to their logical groupings,
    e.g. ``envoy.config.core.v3``, ``envoy.server.listener.v3``.
  - All packages are now versioned with a ``vN`` at the end. This allows for type-level identification
    of major version.
  - xDS service endpoints/transport and configuration are split between ``envoy.service`` and
  - Extensions now reflect the Envoy source tree layout under ``envoy.extensions``.
* ``std::regex`` regular expressions were dropped from the API, in favor of RE2. The former have dangerous
  security implications.
* ``google.protobuf.Struct`` configuration of extensions was dropped from the API, in favor of
  typed configuration. This provides for better support for multiple instances of extensions, e.g.
  in filter chains, and more flexible naming of extension instances.
* Over 60 deprecated fields were removed from the API.
* Tooling and processes were established for API versioning support. This has now been reflected in
  the bootstrap ``Node``, providing a long term notion of API support that control planes can depend
  upon for client negotiation.