.. _install_sandboxes_grpc_bridge:

gRPC bridge

.. sidebar:: Requirements

   .. include:: _include/docker-env-setup-link.rst

The gRPC bridge sandbox is an example usage of Envoy's
:ref:`gRPC bridge filter <config_http_filters_grpc_bridge>`.

This is an example of a key-value store where an ``http``-based client CLI, written in ``Python``,
updates a remote store, written in ``Go``, using the stubs generated for both languages.

The client send messages through a proxy that upgrades the HTTP requests from ``http/1.1`` to ``http/2`` or

``[client](http/1.1) -> [client-egress-proxy](http/2) -> [server-ingress-proxy](http/2) -> [server]``

Another Envoy feature demonstrated in this example is Envoy's ability to do authority
base routing via its route configuration.

Step 1: Generate the protocol stubs

Change to the ``examples/grpc-bridge`` directory.

A docker-compose file is provided that generates the stubs for both ``client`` and ``server`` from the
specification in the ``protos`` directory.

Inspecting the :download:`docker-compose-protos.yaml <_include/grpc-bridge/docker-compose-protos.yaml>` file,
you will see that it contains both the ``python`` and ``go`` gRPC protoc commands necessary for generating the
protocol stubs.

Generate the stubs as follows:

.. code-block:: console

  $ pwd
  $ docker-compose -f docker-compose-protos.yaml up
  Starting grpc-bridge_stubs_python_1 ... done
  Starting grpc-bridge_stubs_go_1     ... done
  Attaching to grpc-bridge_stubs_go_1, grpc-bridge_stubs_python_1
  grpc-bridge_stubs_go_1 exited with code 0
  grpc-bridge_stubs_python_1 exited with code 0

You may wish to clean up left over containers with the following command:

.. code-block:: console

  $ docker container prune

You can view the generated ``kv`` modules for both the client and server in their
respective directories:

.. code-block:: console

  $ ls -la client/kv/kv_pb2.py
  -rw-r--r--  1 mdesales  CORP\Domain Users  9527 Nov  6 21:59 client/kv/kv_pb2.py

  $ ls -la server/kv/kv.pb.go
  -rw-r--r--  1 mdesales  CORP\Domain Users  9994 Nov  6 21:59 server/kv/kv.pb.go

These generated ``python`` and ``go`` stubs can be included as external modules.

Step 2: Start all of our containers

To build this sandbox example and start the example services, run the following commands:

.. code-block:: console

    $ pwd
    $ docker-compose pull
    $ docker-compose up --build -d
    $ docker-compose ps

                   Name                             Command               State                  Ports
    grpc-bridge_grpc-client-proxy_1        /docker-entrypoint.sh /bin ... Up      10000/tcp,>9911/tcp
    grpc-bridge_grpc-client_1              /bin/sh -c tail -f /dev/null   Up
    grpc-bridge_grpc-server-proxy_1        /docker-entrypoint.sh /bin ... Up      10000/tcp,>8811/tcp
    grpc-bridge_grpc-server_1              /bin/sh -c /bin/server         Up>8081/tcp

Step 3: Send requests to the Key/Value store

To use the Python service and send gRPC requests:

.. code-block:: console

  $ pwd

Set a key:

.. code-block:: console

  $ docker-compose exec grpc-client python /client/grpc-kv-client.py set foo bar
  setf foo to bar

Get a key:

.. code-block:: console

  $ docker-compose exec grpc-client python /client/grpc-kv-client.py get foo

Modify an existing key:

.. code-block:: console

  $ docker-compose exec grpc-client python /client/grpc-kv-client.py set foo baz
  setf foo to baz

Get the modified key:

.. code-block:: console

  $ docker-compose exec grpc-client python /client/grpc-kv-client.py get foo

In the running docker-compose container, you should see the gRPC service printing a record of its activity:

.. code-block:: console

  $ docker-compose logs grpc-server
  grpc_1    | 2017/05/30 12:05:09 set: foo = bar
  grpc_1    | 2017/05/30 12:05:12 get: foo
  grpc_1    | 2017/05/30 12:05:18 set: foo = baz

.. seealso::

   :ref:`gRPC bridge filter <config_http_filters_grpc_bridge>`.
      Learn more about configuring Envoy's gRPC bridge filter.