.. _config_listeners_lds:

Listener discovery service (LDS)

The listener discovery service (LDS) is an optional API that Envoy will call to dynamically fetch
listeners. Envoy will reconcile the API response and add, modify, or remove known listeners
depending on what is required.

The semantics of listener updates are as follows:

* Every listener must have a unique :ref:`name <envoy_v3_api_field_config.listener.v3.Listener.name>`. If a name is not
  provided, Envoy will create a UUID. Listeners that are to be dynamically updated should have a
  unique name supplied by the management server.
* When a listener is added, it will be "warmed" before taking traffic. For example, if the listener
  references an :ref:`RDS <config_http_conn_man_rds>` configuration, that configuration will be
  resolved and fetched before the listener is moved to "active."
* Listeners are effectively constant once created. Thus, when a listener is updated, an entirely
  new listener is created (if the listener's address is unchanged, the new one uses the same listen socket). This listener goes through the same
  warming process described above for a newly added listener.
* When a listener is removed, the old listener will be placed into a "draining" state
  much like when the entire server is drained for restart. Connections owned by the listener will
  be gracefully closed (if possible) for some period of time before the listener is removed and any
  remaining connections are closed. The drain time is set via the :option:`--drain-time-s` option.
* When a tcp listener is updated, if the new listener contains a subset of filter chains in the old listener,
  the connections owned by these overlapping filter chains remain open. Only the connections owned by the
  removed filter chains will be drained following the above pattern. Note that if any global listener attributes are
  changed, the entire listener (and all filter chains) are drained similar to removal above. See
  :ref:`filter chain only update <filter_chain_only_update>` for detailed rules to reason about the impacted filter chains.

  .. note::

    Any listeners that are statically defined within the Envoy configuration cannot be modified or
    removed via the LDS API.


* :ref:`v3 LDS API <v3_grpc_streaming_endpoints>`


LDS has a :ref:`statistics <subscription_statistics>` tree rooted at *listener_manager.lds.*