.. _install_sandboxes_skywalking:

Skywalking tracing

.. sidebar:: Requirements

   .. include:: _include/docker-env-setup-link.rst

   :ref:`curl <start_sandboxes_setup_curl>`
        Used to make ``HTTP`` requests.

The Skywalking tracing sandbox demonstrates Envoy's :ref:`request tracing <arch_overview_tracing>`
capabilities using `Skywalking <https://skywalking.io/>`_ as the tracing provider.

In this example, 2 backend services are provided:

- ``service-1``
- ``service-2``

3 Envoy proxies are also provided to route requests to them:

- ``envoy-front-proxy`` (:download:`envoy-front-proxy.yaml <_include/skywalking/envoy-front-proxy.yaml>`)
- ``envoy-1`` (:download:`envoy-1.yaml <_include/skywalking/envoy-1.yaml>`)
- ``envoy-2`` (:download:`envoy-2.yaml <_include/skywalking/envoy-2.yaml>`)

Of these services, only the Envoy ``front-proxy`` service is exposed outside of the
:download:`composition <_include/skywalking/docker-compose.yaml>`, on port ``10000``.

For ``service-1``, requests are routed based on the request path ``trace/1``, as follows:

    User -> Envoy(``envoy-front-proxy``) -> Envoy(``envoy-1``) -> ``service-1``

For ``service-2``, requests are routed based on the request path ``trace/2`` as follows:

    User -> Envoy(``envoy-front-proxy``) -> Envoy(``envoy-1``) -> Envoy(``envoy-2``) -> ``service-2``

All Envoy proxies are configured to collect request traces, as can be seen in their configurations,
propagating the spans generated by the Skywalking tracer to a Skywalking OAP cluster.

Each span records the latency of upstream API calls as well as information
needed to correlate the span with other related spans (e.g., the trace ID).

The Skywalking web UI for viewing the collected traces is available on port ``8080``.

Step 1: Build the sandbox

Change directory to ``examples/skywalking`` in the Envoy repository.

To build this sandbox example, and start the example services run the following commands:

.. code-block:: console

    $ pwd
    $ docker-compose pull
    $ docker-compose up --build -d
    $ docker-compose ps
    Name                           Command                  State                          Ports
    skywalking_elasticsearch_1       /bin/tini -- /usr/local/bi ... Up (healthy)   9200/tcp, 9300/tcp
    skywalking_envoy-1_1             /docker-entrypoint.sh /usr ... Up             10000/tcp
    skywalking_envoy-2_1             /docker-entrypoint.sh /usr ... Up             10000/tcp
    skywalking_envoy-front-proxy_1   /docker-entrypoint.sh /usr ... Up   >10000/tcp,:::10000->10000/tcp
    skywalking_service-1_1           python3 /code/service.py       Up (healthy)
    skywalking_service-2_1           python3 /code/service.py       Up (healthy)
    skywalking_skywalking-oap_1      bash docker-entrypoint.sh      Up (healthy)   11800/tcp, 1234/tcp, 12800/tcp
    skywalking_skywalking-ui_1       bash docker-entrypoint.sh      Up (healthy)>8080/tcp,:::8080->8080/tcp

Step 2: Make a request to ``service-1``

Now send a request to ``service-1``, by calling http://localhost:10000/trace/1.

This will be routed via 2 of the Envoy proxies:

- ``front-proxy``
- ``envoy-1``

.. code-block:: console

    $ curl localhost:10000/trace/1
    Hello from behind Envoy (service 1)!

Step 3: Make a request to ``service-2``

Now send a request to ``service-2``, by calling http://localhost:10000/trace/2.

This will be routed via all 3 of the Envoy proxies:

- ``front-proxy``
- ``envoy-1``
- ``envoy-2``

.. code-block:: console

    $ curl localhost:10000/trace/2
    Hello from behind Envoy (service 2)!

Step 4: View the traces in Skywalking UI

Point your browser to http://localhost:8080.

You should see the Skywalking dashboard.

You may need to wait a moment for the traces to be added, but clicking on ``General Service > Services``, you
should see the Envoy services listed.

.. image:: /start/sandboxes/_static/skywalking-services.png

From here you can explore the metrics and views that skywalking offers, such as the ``Topology``:

.. image:: /start/sandboxes/_static/skywalking-topology.png

You can also view tracing information for the requests that you made:

.. image:: /start/sandboxes/_static/skywalking-trace.png

.. seealso::

   :ref:`Request tracing <arch_overview_tracing>`
      Learn more about using Envoy's request tracing.

   :ref:`Envoy admin quick start guide <start_quick_start_admin>`
      Quick start guide to the Envoy admin interface.

   `Apache SkyWalking <https://skywalking.apache.org>`_
      SkyWalking observability analysis platform and application performance management system.