.. _arch_overview_external_deps:

External dependencies

Below we enumerate the external dependencies that may be linked into the Envoy binary. We exclude
dependencies that only are used in CI or developer tooling above.

Data plane (core)

.. include:: external_dep_dataplane_core.rst

Data plane (extensions)

.. include:: external_dep_dataplane_ext.rst

Control plane

.. include:: external_dep_controlplane.rst


.. include:: external_dep_api.rst

Observability (core)

.. include:: external_dep_observability_core.rst

Observability (extensions)

.. include:: external_dep_observability_ext.rst


.. include:: external_dep_build.rst


.. include:: external_dep_other.rst

Test only

Below we provide the status of the C/C++ dependencies that are only used in tests. Tests also
include additional Java, Rust and Python dependencies that are not tracked below.

.. include:: external_dep_test_only.rst